Sunday 18 December 2016

I have enjoyed a lot this three months with my class, I have learnt a lot of new vocabulary and also I have learnt how define the vocabulary. The classes are great, our teacher, Cristina, is always animating our class and making us laugh, also she has made me more extroverted. I think that my best strength is the grammar, except when I speak, when I speak I get nervous and I forget all the grammar. I have to improve the vocabulary I usually forget it. I go to particular classes and there I try to improve my vocabulary speaking with the teacher, also I have a game i the mobile phone in english and I try to understand all the dialogues. I hope that the rest of the year will be like until. 
                                                          Bye bye and Merry Xmas.   
Unit 2
advertise: make publicity
appeal: be attractive
appear: come into view
broadcast: live transmision of something
convince: persuade someone
exaggerate: dramatize
inform: tell information someone
promote: tell someone about a product or service to make it popular
recommend: say something is good or useful
bargain: A very good offer or a product that has an enormous discount
bid: offer money in an auction
browse: shop: look around
browser: person who looks around a shop
charge: When you buy a product or a service the shop assistant charge you the price
claim: Say something is true although you might not be able to prove it
consume: use a product
consumer: someone who buys products to use them
purchase: buy a product
refund: return the product you bought in exchange for the money you paid
select: choose from a group
selection: group of products
supplier: someone who supplies the products of a shp
supply: provide products to a shop
image: appearance of someone or something
media: TV, radio, newspaper, etc
product: item made or manufacturated
slogan: A catchy phrase or a group of words that identify a product
habitable: fit to live in
ordinary: nothing special
potential: capable of being
semi-detached: house attached to another
stunning: shocking, amaizing, etc
terraced: houses in a row
old-fashioned: Something that is old but gives a good looking
 modern-fashioned: Something that is really new and is on fashion

Text Messaging
idc: I don't care
idk: I don't know
asap: As soon as possible
bc: because
wyd: what you doing
omg: Oh my god
lol: laugh out loud
np: no problem
btw: by the way
rly: really
B4N: bye for now
XOXO: hugs and kisses
gtg: got to go
brb: be right back
oc: of course
JK: just kidding
ily: I love you
ty: thank you
ttyl: talk to you later
u2: you too
omw: on my way
BFF: best friend forever
 Unit 0 & 1  Glossary
Quill: Feather used to write in the past
Devices. Objects like tablets, mobile phones, computers...
Stream: small river
look forward to: Await very nervous smething
flipped teachers; Teachers that innove
parcel: box with goods that you have bought
bleach: cleanning product
Sympathetic: Somene who understands perfectly your feelings
Hypocritical: false people
eager: Someono who is very enthusiastic
Annoying; Someono or something that upsets you
Pessimistic: Someone that always thinks in negative
Envious: Someone that wants your things or qualities and hates you for that
Liar: Someone that doesn't tell you the truth
Outgoing: Someone who is extroverted
Toxic person: A person who is mean and a bad influence
Support: Be in favour of doing something.
Bitter: Someone who is resentful
Cruel: Someone who is very mean
Dedicated: Devoted to one thing
Dependable: A person who is reliable
Enthusiastic: Excited at the prospect of doing something
Optimistic: Someone who always thinks in positive
Responsible: Someone in which you can count on
Supportive: Someone who supports you
Truthful: Someono who always tells you the truth
get better: improve
get involved: to be involved
get permission: receive the approbation
get the feeling: Have the sensation
get things done: finish something
get used to: develop a habit
make a diference: mark the variation
make an effort: do the most that tou can
make an impression: Give an effect
make the most of it: do the best of it
bully: Someono who hurts people in the school phisically and psychologically
founder: Someono who has founded something
star: The most popular
victim: Person who suffers bullying

Monday 28 November 2016

1.Find out the principle of transference and describe it.
The Transfer Principle suggests that learning and performing one activity affects the performance of related skills and activities. This principle is essential for designing practice strategies that have the greatest positive impact on competitive performance.

Positive transfer means that practice on one activity results in improvements on another activity.

Negative transfer means that practice on one activity interferes with the performance of another activity. 

Zero transfer occurs when previous experience has no influence on the performance of a new skill or change in context of an existing skill.

2.Give me an example of each training principles

Principle of efective charge
A beginner may only need to work 40 % of their maximun to build strength while a trained athelete will need to work over 70%.

Principle of progression of the load
  For running when you begin you must run 30 minutes at 8 km per hour and one month later you must run 40 minutes at 10km oer hour.

Principle of Variety
 One period of time, like one month you can run 25 minutes, other month you can do weightlifting and other month you can go swimming.

Principle of optimal relationship between load and recovery
You run for 30 minutes and then you rest for 15 minutes.

The principle of repetition and continuity
Run 30 minutes and then stretch.

     Reverse action principle
Run  two days of the week and the other days doing more easy exercises.

The principle of periodization
Run 20 minutes each week.

The principle of individuality
 A person who do less sport can’t do the same effort than a proffesional.

The principle of specialization/ multilateralism
If you are a swimmer, you must strech legs and arms.

These are the links of our P.E notes

Basic Principles of Training


Saturday 8 October 2016


My last year in IESO Tomás Bretón has just began. It will be more difficult than last year. But we have to be optimistic. This year we  all have to do our best and be even more responsible. Obviously,  that doesn´t mean that we can´t have fun from time to time. So we should enjoy this school year as much as posible.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

armed robber: robo armado
detective: detective
fraudster: defraudador
judge: juez
lawyer: abogado
mugger: asaltador
murderer: asesino
police officer: policía
private investigator: investigador privado
thief: ladrón
traffic warden: guardia de tráfico
arson: incendio provocado
blackmail: chantaje
burglary: asaltar una casa
credit-card fraud: fraude de tarjeta de crédito
drug-dealing: tráfico de drogas
forgery: falsificación
identity thief: robo de identidad
kidnapping: secuestro
mugging: atraco con violencia
pickpocketing: robo de cartera
shoplifting: robo de tiendas
smuggling: contrabando
speeding: superar el límite de velocidad
vandalism: vandalismo
arrest: arrestar
black market: mercado negro
case: caso
evidence: evidencia
interview: entrevista
suspicious: suspicaz
trap: trampa
business owner: propietario de una empresa
ecologist: ecologista
household:  ocupante de la casa
lawmaker: el que hace las leyes
local council: ayuntamiento
resident: residente
make someone think twice: pensarse las cosas dos veces
come clean about...: sacar algo en limpio de...
illegal: ilegal
illogical: ilógico
impossible: imposible
irresponsible: irresponsable
unfair: injusto
amusing: divertido
annoying: molesto
confusing: confuso
embarrassing: embarazoso
fascinating: fascinante
frightening: algo que da miedo
inspiring: inspirador
irritating: irritante
motivating: motivador
relaxing: relajante
upsetting: molesto
worrying: preocupante
browse: navegar
charge: cargar
plug in: enchufar
press: presionar
scroll: deslizar la pantalla hacia abajo/ arriba
stream: ver algo online
swipe: deslizar la pantalla hacia los lados
switch on: encender
switch off: apagar
tap: tocar rapidamente
text: escribir (por el móvil)
unplug: desenchufar
update: subir a la red
burst out laughing: estallar a carcajadas
gap: hueco
misunderstanding: malentendido
nod your head: asentir con la cabeza
shake your head: mover la cabeza haci los lados
express: expresar
hit: pegar
invite: invitar
spread new: divulgar noticias
squeeze: apretar
warn: advertir
excited: emocionado
exciting: emocionante
frightened: asustado
irritated: irritated
irritating: irritante
afford: permitirse
bargain: chollo
be worth: merecer la pena
borrow: recibir prestado algo
brand: marca
cost: costar
discount: descuento
lend: prestar
sale: rebaja
shop online: comprar online 
waste: malgastar
archery: tiro con arco
athletics: atletismo
catch up: atrapar/alcanzar
join in: unirse a...
kayaking: ir en canoa
miss out: perderse algo...
pick up: recoger
rock cimbing: escalada de montaña
take up: comenzar
trail biking: bicicleta de montaña/ campo a travéstry out: probar
wakeboarding: wakeboard
customer: cliente
department store:grandes almacenes
fraction: fracción
gloves: guantes
half-price: a mitad de precio
shop owner: propietario de una tienda
souvenir: souvenir
sports gear: equipo de deportes
I´ve got on my eye on...: Tengo el ojo puesto en...
We´re after...: Estamos detrás de...
delicious: delicioso
mild: templado
nutritious: nutritivo
sour: salado
spicy: picante
sweet: dulce
fill up: llenar
queue up: hacer cola
set up: preparar
turn up: aparecer
wash up: limpiar