Sunday, 18 December 2016

 Unit 0 & 1  Glossary
Quill: Feather used to write in the past
Devices. Objects like tablets, mobile phones, computers...
Stream: small river
look forward to: Await very nervous smething
flipped teachers; Teachers that innove
parcel: box with goods that you have bought
bleach: cleanning product
Sympathetic: Somene who understands perfectly your feelings
Hypocritical: false people
eager: Someono who is very enthusiastic
Annoying; Someono or something that upsets you
Pessimistic: Someone that always thinks in negative
Envious: Someone that wants your things or qualities and hates you for that
Liar: Someone that doesn't tell you the truth
Outgoing: Someone who is extroverted
Toxic person: A person who is mean and a bad influence
Support: Be in favour of doing something.
Bitter: Someone who is resentful
Cruel: Someone who is very mean
Dedicated: Devoted to one thing
Dependable: A person who is reliable
Enthusiastic: Excited at the prospect of doing something
Optimistic: Someone who always thinks in positive
Responsible: Someone in which you can count on
Supportive: Someone who supports you
Truthful: Someono who always tells you the truth
get better: improve
get involved: to be involved
get permission: receive the approbation
get the feeling: Have the sensation
get things done: finish something
get used to: develop a habit
make a diference: mark the variation
make an effort: do the most that tou can
make an impression: Give an effect
make the most of it: do the best of it
bully: Someono who hurts people in the school phisically and psychologically
founder: Someono who has founded something
star: The most popular
victim: Person who suffers bullying

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